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What is MBA? is it worth the Pain?

Understanding the MBA degree before applying for MBA.
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Posted By  Roshan10 years ago

Answers (1)

Roshan Roshan   10 years ago

MBA is the abbreviation for the degree name – Masters in Business Administration. It is a post-graduate degree awarded after successfully completing the studies of business. It is one of the most prestigious and respected degrees awarded worldwide.
The degree is considered the most prestigious because many of the present day job opportunities demand MBA as their minimum qualification. Not limiting to these, the pay scale promised is much better than its counter degrees. The degree makes an applicant knowledgeable and more presentable.
The MBA curricula cover theory and practical application of business acumen and management principles. The course contents equip the students to understand and react to real business conditions, intelligently.

Levels of Entry
There are primarily three points of entry discussed as follows:
You can take up a postgraduate degree course either straight after completing the graduation or after completing management graduation (BBA) and then take a job. You can also opt for an MBA course parallel with your on-going job, Executive MBA.

Specializations in MBA
You can study MBA by choosing from various specializations available:
- Human Resources Management (HRM): deals with people related issues within an organization. It covers processes starting from planning for recruits to disassociating after resignation (or being fired!).
- Marketing Management (MM): deals with marketing and promotions related issues of an organization. It covers processes starting from internal communications to external communications and expanding to being the face and voice of the organization. A thorough understanding ensures keeping the organization in good light and managing a positive image for customers and stakeholders.
- Finance Management (FM): deals with management of finances for an organization. It covers managing and arranging the funds and their expenditures. A thorough understanding ensures that an organization never falls short of money whenever required.
- Information Technology (IT): deals with management of IT related resources such as computers, servers etc. A thorough understanding ensures that the resources are always put to an optimum use for the employees and at reasonable expenditure.
- Customer Relationships Management (CRM): deals with managing customer related issues. A thorough understanding ensures that the customers – internal and external both are in favourable conditions and there benefits are never compromised.
- International Business Management (IBM): deals with managing the business related issues at the international levels.

Types of MBA Courses
Depending upon the duration of MBA courses there are different types of programs that you can choose from, including:
- One-year MBA program
- Two-year MBA program
- Three year MBA program
These courses vary depending upon the course contents, coverage and time availability.
Moreover, you can choose from online courses and on-campus courses as well. Although, the concept of online courses is new to Indian set up but it is pacing up faster. While opting for an online MBA course, you need to study the courses online at your comfort with internet connectivity. At the time of exams, you will be required to report at one of the allotted the attest centres and appear for the exam. The results are declared as soon as you click ‘submit’ button.

In addition to these hard-core technicalities, the innumerable benefits of MBA courses, counted as respect, job security, handsome salary, respectable position and responsible profile also make it an important study program. MBA does not limit the students understanding and growth to mark-sheets; it expands the horizons to make them a presentable person with great communication and presentation skills.

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