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Telephonic Interview: Things to note

Please guide for my first telephonic interview.
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Posted By  Roshan11 years ago

Answers (2)

Ic Admin Ic Admin   11 years ago

Phone Interview – Things to note-

Today, majority of the companies conduct phone interviews before inviting for a face-to-face interview. Perhaps the key decision maker of the interview is in some other country or travelling and may not be able to meet you in person. In this case too, a phone interview would be conducted. Considering the fact that a lot of work happen over the phone in the current work environment, assessment through phone interview is as crucial as assessment through face-to-face interviews. Here are few tips on how to effectively manage a phone interview:

1) Always provide a second contact number to the interviewer
Always provide a second contact number saying ‘ if in case, my number ‘xyz’ is not reachable , please do call me on ‘abc’. In an unforeseen situation of your primary number not being reachable, this will make sure you will never miss the interview.

2) Confirm the day, time and time zone
Given the probability that interviewer and recruiter could be in different time zones or if you are new to the gulf region, there could be possibility for confusion and hence miss the interview. Missing the interview is never a good sign. In order to avoid that, confirm the interview day, time and time zone with the recruiter or the person who coordinates the interview.

3) Confirm who calls whom
Make it clear if the recruiter would call the candidate or the candidate needs to call the recruiter. In 90% of the cases, recruiter calls the candidate. But however to be on the safe side, confirm who calls whom.

4) Confirm if it’s a direct call or telephonic conference.
Most of the times it would be a direct call to your mobile or landline from the interviewer but few companies follow tele-conferencing. In tele conferencing, you would be given a dial in number and access code. Dial-in 5 minutes prior to the start of the interview. Never dial in late and make the interviewer wait.

5) Dress up as you would dress for a face-to-face interview
You might attend the interview from home, while commuting or you current office. It’s advisable you dress up and prepare just like how you would go for a face-to-face interview. This would help you feel professional and serious about the interview.

6) Find out a silent place with no signal problems
Nobody, especially the interviewer would like to have disturbances on the call. Find out a place where there would be least or less disturbance at the same time do not have mobile signal issues. If you are taking an interview from your current office, make sure you are in a place where none of your colleagues would come in between and disturb you.

7) Make sure your mobile phone has sufficient battery charge
There are chances that interview might go further beyond the expected time. So keep your mobile phone fully charged before the interview. It’d advisable you use hand free to talk as this would help you scan through your documents at any point of time if the interviewer asks so.
Keep all your documents handy including resume
Keep all your educational as well as employment documents handy including your resume. You could have a quick glance if you are stuck somewhere.

9) Be confident
Be confident in your conversation. Confidence level is one of the key parameters evaluated in telephone interviews. Points like how well can you communicate, how effective you are in your conversation, how good are you in persuading others on phone and how capable are you getting things done through the phone would be evaluated.

10) Do not interrupt the interviewer.
Telephone interviews calls for the sixth sense to understand what the other person intends with every word. While the interviewer speaks, never interrupt him. In you accidentally have interrupted, apologize and let him complete.

11) Make sure you are a good listener and respond appropriately
Make sure you are a good listener responding appropriately to the interviewer. Maintain a clear balance between your listening and talking.

12) Inform the recruiter and interviewer if you are unable to make it.
If you think you would not be able to make it to the telephone interview, inform the recruiter and interviewer beforehand with an apology. Last minute excuses and not turning up for the call diminishes your chances of being interviewed again unless and until you have a strong reason to prove it.

13) Keep the recruiter informed once the interview is over.
Send a Thank You Note to the recruiter and interviewer once the interview is over. Also, inform the recruiter that the interview is over.

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Shaan Shaan   10 years ago


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